Data Day Health - AI in healthcare podcast by Manifold PhD student

As part of the Turing-Roche Community Scholars Scheme 2023-2024, Florence Townend (PhD student in the lab) made a podcast called Data Day Health, about how data science and AI are changing the healthcare landscape.

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Where to listen

You can listen on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.


  1. Beyond Steps: The Real Power of Smart Watches
  2. AI Revolution: Redefining Healthcare in our Hospitals
  3. Would you trust an AI-trained surgeon?? (Surgical AI: Part 1)
  4. AI in the Operating Room (Surgical AI: Part 2)
  5. Monitoring Disease Progression with Apps?! (Health Apps: Part 1)
  6. AI Wellness Apps: Hope or Hype (Health Apps: Part 2)

Florence Townend
Florence Townend
PhD Student

I am working on multi-modal data fusion techniques applied to predicting the prognosis of motor neurone disease.